Driving Business Success - Isn't it Time We Put The Spotlight On Teams?

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In uncertain times, businesses require unshakeable strength within their teams in order to thrive.

The global pandemic has quite rightly led to an increased focus on individual well-being and resilience.  This a very natural reaction when humans are faced with factors outside of their control. Understanding that this would be the case, we offered complimentary access to our resilience diagnostic questionnaire which many of you may have participated in. If you have not yet had the opportunity, please click HERE to gain access. We also delivered a huge volume of our Building Personal & Team Resilience webinar, adding much-needed resources and support. You can find out more about our Virtual Leadership Programmes HERE.

But there comes a time when we need to stop looking inward, focussing only on ourselves.

As important as individuals are to organisations, the sustained success of any organisation really depends on how well its teams, from the Board and executive team down, manage to work together and with other teams, both inside and outside, the organisation.

As people start to return to the office, it is time to start focusing back on challenging (AND supporting) the performance of teams.

Many companies will have seen a shift from face to face teams to completely virtual teams. Now, as we move into yet another phase of the pandemic, hybrid teams where some of the team are in the office some of the time, other team members are in the office at other times and some of the team have decided not to go back to the office at all.

The rules of engagement have changed.

So what are teams doing about it? What is the organisation doing to ensure that teams have the tools and support they need so that they can do something about it?

Our research and client feedback tells us that it is these hybrid teams that face the biggest struggle to be a sustainably successful team.

Organisations should be providing ways whereby teams and their leaders can ‘hold the mirror up’ and get an honest understanding of how they are operating. They need to understand where they need to adjust to make the most of their new landscape and ensure that the whole is greater than the sum of the team’s parts.

Ascend's Successful Teams online diagnostic (aligned with our Successful Teams model) is designed to pinpoint the areas where teams (and their leaders) need to focus their attention to become more efficient, effective, and as importantly in these challenging times – human.

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For more information, on how Ascend can support your organisation build sustainably successful teams, click HERE or contact us.

Christina Grieve